Court of Protection
The Court of Protection is a supreme court that oversees the affairs of vulnerable adults such as those who lack mental capacity. The COP can decide if a person lacks the capacity to make decisitons for themselves and what is the best course of action to take.
Where a person loses capacity and has not registered a Lasting Power of Attorney, the Court of Protection would appoint deputies to make decisions on their behalf.
Family can apply to become a deputy themselves but this can be a lengthy and expensive process. And this is not guaranteed to be accepted.
This is why it is essential for people to grant Power of Attorney while they are healthy. That way, their loved ones can assist them in their time of need without having to apply to the courts beforehand.
If you or somebody you know needs to apply to the court of protection to make decisions on behalf of somebody, Moneybox Wills and Trusts can help. With our panel of solicitors across the UK, you can get the help you need when you need it.

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